Based on a manga series named "Buru Samaru: Aonagi Daigaku Taiiku-kai Koku-bu," this anime is directly by Tachibana Masaki, who had also directed "Ghost in the Shell Arise: Alternative Architecture."
The Good: Here we get the story of freshman college student Tsuru Tamaki, who is trying to find her social place among the different clubs offered at her school. I think many of us can relate to this, so there is built in sympathy with her character.
The fabricated drama between the team captain and its financial backer is so typical Japanese - i.e. It's ridiculously dramatic and doesn't really serve a useful purpose in the story. But anyway that's what makes for a Japanese story :D.
The Bad: The animation is done in the style of the manga, which is to say the characters and background are more reminiscent of Mizayaki Hayao's earlier works. That is not bad, per se, but my own personal preference is for more modern detailed drawings.
Also, while Tamaki is drawn more like a young teenager, her sister, who is also in university, is drawn as if she is much older and unlikely to still be in university. That's the way the characters were drawn in the manga, so I understand the anime keeping to the same character design.
Overall this was an entertaining anime, but it's not very ground-breaking or memorable.
Blue Thermal
Animation / Drama / Romance
Plot summary
Tamaki becomes a captive of the vast beauty of the skies from the moment Kuramochi takes her under his wing and up for a flight in a glider.
Uploaded by: FREEMAN
September 03, 2022 at 01:08 AM
Top cast
Tech specs
720p.BLU 1080p.BLU 951.74 MB
Japanese 2.0
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